Thematic tour: Eating and drinking in the 18th century

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Come and whet your appetite during the Age of Enlightenment!

Visite thématique "Boire et manger au XVIIIème siècle"
  • Thursdays at 3.30pm
    Some Fridays at 6.30pm

  • Full price €17

    The usual free tickets apply

  • All ages from 12 upwards

  • 1h

  • This tour is only available in French

    The tour takes place in the Intendants' apartments
    A free stroll through the state rooms and the loggia at the end of the tourThis tour does not include the Al Thani collection

  • Book your ticket


This tour is only available in French.

Accompanied by a guide, we invite you to discover the day-to-day gastronomy of the Hôtel du Garde-meuble. At the Intendant's table, during an aperitif, at Madame's wake... let us guide you through the history of food in the 18th century.